Sunday 3 May 2015


By Lauren 

Hey everyone! In our newsletter I want to bring to you the latest hints, tips, discussions and trends all on cosplay! Now I know I saw a lot of cosplayers at Majikkon 2015 and I had an amazing time during the masquerade but it's always led me to question, "How do people choose what to cosplay?!"

So the first cosplay article let's look at trends and why people cosplay! Now whether your into the comic, game or anime scene you will definitely have a favourite character or costume. I'm more of a gamer myself so I find myself wanting to cosplay from the new releases I play. But how do you choose with so many available options to you? I like to rank my choices for the year, see which are viable for me and see how many conventions I plan to go to. Do what works best for you. Sometimes you will have that one character you are just dying to do! Do your research and pick!

TIP: Be realistic with your options! If you don't think you will have enough money for the costume think about whether you want to earn a little money by doing chores or asking family members to help you!

There are plenty of trends that have already started this year. Now we are in May, many will be planning for conventions this year as well as next year including Majikkon! League of legends is still a very popular cosplay option, with lots of cosplayers choosing to do a skin rather than the original costume. I'm part of cosplay groups doing popstar skins, pool party skins as well as star guardian! Another interesting and cool trend in this year is Super heroes and Villains. Films such as the Avengers and last year's Captain America have inspired the many to take arms as their favourite badass. Don't let the costumes put you off! If you don't wish to make the costume you could always try your hand at designing your own. I've seen some great sketches at
alternative versions of Harley Quinn recently. Pick up a pad of paper, a pencil and start creating!

TIP: Good place to start with any cosplay is to see what others are doing! There are plenty of groups on social media. So start talking and get involved!

I love cosplaying with my friends but being by yourself is just as fun. Whatever you choose to do make sure you enjoy it and make friends with you can! Remember to join the Majikkon cosplay thread on our board for more discussions, hints and tips! See you next time readers!

Lauren xoxo
cosplay @ Majikkon

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